16 Best Broiler Chicken Breeds

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Broiler chicken breeds play an important role in meeting the world’s ever-growing demand for poultry meat. These specially bred chickens are the unsung heroes of the modern poultry industry, providing us with the succulent, tender meat we enjoy on our dinner plates.

Since the early 1960s, the world’s average supply of eggs per person has doubled, and the availability of poultry meat has increased sixfold. This significant growth has mainly taken place in Asia and Latin America.

Information About Poultry Farming

Poultry meat and eggs are incredibly popular worldwide and enjoyed by people from various cultures and religions. Over the years, there has been a significant rise in the consumption of these products, mainly due to population growth, urbanization, and higher incomes in developing nations.

Chicken is the top choice for meat because it’s affordable, lean, and doesn’t usually conflict with religious or cultural beliefs.

The demand for chicken meat and eggs is on the rise because more people are being born, and everyone is eating more of them. Whether you’re in a rich or poor area, the market for chicken meat is expected to grow, especially in developing regions where each person is eating a bit more compared to wealthier areas.

Poultry meat and eggs are valuable for human nutrition because they offer high-quality protein and are low in fat, with healthy fats. In cities and nearby areas, people typically eat poultry raised intensively, whether locally or imported.

However, some markets focus on native poultry and their products. In rural parts of developing countries, many families rely on their small flocks of local birds for meat and eggs.

Poultry farming offers more than just meat and eggs. A valuable by-product is manure, which farmers can either sell or use as fertilizer for crops. Feathers and down can also be sold. In mixed farming, items like eggshells can even be given to other animals, like pigs, as feed.

Broiler Chicken Breeds

If you’re curious about single-purpose broiler chicken breeds, you’re in the right place! This post has everything you need to know. Regardless of the breed you pick, you’re on the right track to serve your family with homegrown, healthy, and mouthwatering meat at your dinner table. So, let’s dive into the world of broiler chicken breeds and discover how you can raise these birds to enjoy quality meat at home.

16. Turken

The Turken is one of the unique broiler chicken breeds with a naked neck, resembling a mix of chicken and turkey but purely a chicken. They were bred to make plucking and cooking easier.

Turken meat is tasty, and they lay large brown eggs. Despite their exposed neck, Turkens thrive in both hot and cold climates due to their adaptable and friendly nature, making them suitable for various environments.

Turken chickens are more heat-resistant due to their bare necks, making them suitable for hot climates.

Turken Chicken Breed
Turken Chicken Breed

They produce lean meat with a unique flavor, preferred by some for culinary purposes.

Their minimal feathers reduce the effort required for feather plucking during processing.

15. Orpington

The Orpington is a big breed, reaching around 10 pounds in weight. Although they might seem like they could be used for meat, they are actually dual-purpose chickens. They grow more slowly than Cornish Crosses but can lay about 200 eggs per year.

Orpingtons are friendly and not aggressive, making them great pets. They’re comfortable around humans. They also enjoy foraging and don’t require a high-protein diet.

Orpingtons are known for their docile and friendly nature, making them great backyard pets.

Their thick plumage and body size make them well-suited for colder climates.

They lay a consistent supply of large brown eggs.

14. New Hampshire Red

New Hampshire Reds are big chickens that serve a dual purpose – laying a good number of eggs and providing tasty meat. They grow fast, ready for harvest in 16 weeks.

These birds are tough and handle cold weather well. They’re not very social with humans, preferring solitude. They’re quiet and broody, and the males can get feisty when they feel unsafe.

These birds are known for their high egg production, providing a steady supply of fresh eggs.

They can withstand harsh winter conditions due to their thick feathering and cold-resistant nature.

New Hampshire Reds are generally calm and easy to handle, making them suitable for backyard flocks.

New Hampshire Red
New Hampshire Red

13. Kosher King

The Kosher King chickens grow slowly and don’t lay many eggs or produce a lot of meat. But, the meat they eventually yield is incredibly tasty and worth the patience.

These broiler chicken breeds are lively, robust, and prefer spending time in open areas. If you’re keeping Kosher Kings in your backyard, ensure strong enclosures because they are curious and clever, capable of escaping. They enjoy searching for food by foraging and exploring new areas.

Kosher King offers food that adheres to Jewish dietary laws, making it suitable for observant Jewish customers.

It provides an opportunity for individuals to experience and enjoy kosher cuisine, which can be unique and flavorful.

Kosher dietary restrictions often lead to healthier food options, as certain ingredients and preparation methods are prohibited.

12. Jersey Giant

The Jersey Giant chicken, as its name suggests, is a big breed initially developed to serve as a turkey substitute. Due to their substantial size, they’re favored in commercial farming but can also be a great addition to backyard flocks. While they don’t grow quickly, they yield plenty of meat.

Jersey Giants are known for their robust health and endurance. Moreover, they lay a decent amount of eggs, providing a source of delight while you patiently await their growth. In short, these chickens are a versatile choice for those seeking both meat and egg production, whether in a farm or a backyard setting.

Jersey Giants are one of the largest chicken breeds, making them great for meat production.

They have a calm and friendly disposition, making them easy to handle.

They lay large brown eggs consistently.

11. Ginger Broiler

The Ginger Broiler is one of the excellent boiler chicken breeds and a choice for novice poultry keepers. They are robust, disease-resistant, and can thrive at high altitudes. These chickens are quite self-sufficient and require minimal care. They are friendly towards humans and typically have pleasant temperaments. In terms of taste, while the Ginger Broiler may not be as flavorful as some other broiler breeds, its meat is still delicious and has a clean taste.

Ginger adds a zesty, aromatic flavor to broiled dishes, making them more flavorful and appealing.

Ginger is known for its digestive properties, potentially aiding in digestion when included in broiled meals.

Ginger contains antioxidants that may offer health benefits when consumed regularly.

10. Freedom Ranger

The Freedom Ranger chicken is highly valued for its unique qualities. While it doesn’t grow as fast as some other broiler chickens, this slower growth results in exceptionally tasty and tender meat. However, because it remains relatively small, it doesn’t yield a large amount of meat.

One of its standout characteristics is its calm and friendly nature towards humans. These chickens are not known for being aggressive and enjoy roaming freely to hunt for bugs and graze on grass. They’re also self-sufficient and low-maintenance, making them an excellent choice for those who prefer hassle-free poultry care.

Freedom Ranger chickens are known for their tender and flavorful meat, making them a popular choice for those seeking superior taste.

They are excellent foragers, reducing the need for intensive feeding and promoting more natural and sustainable poultry farming practices.

These birds adapt well to various climates and management systems, making them versatile for small-scale and free-range farming.

9. Egyptian Fayoumi

The Egyptian Fayoumi is a captivating bird due to its distinctive appearance, making it a fascinating addition to any backyard farm. Unlike some dual-purpose breeds, they are on the smaller side but still manage to lay approximately 150 eggs per year. Furthermore, they reach maturity relatively swiftly.

These chickens are generally not aggressive, but they prefer minimal handling. They boast robust health, display resilience against diseases, and exhibit an independent nature. Additionally, their ability to withstand heat makes them an excellent choice for novice chicken keepers.

In summary, Egyptian Fayoumi chickens are visually intriguing, low-maintenance, and productive layers, making them a great choice for any backyard flock.

Egyptian Fayoumi chickens are known for their adaptability to various climates and their ability to thrive in harsh conditions.

They are skilled foragers, reducing the need for supplemental feed and helping control pests.

These chickens have distinctive black and white feather patterns.

8. Dorking

The Dorking is a delightful and quaint bird with a calm nature. They are not prone to being aggressive and should not be housed with aggressive chickens, as they may struggle to defend themselves.

Dorkings thrive in warmer climates and aren’t suited for colder areas. While they lay around 140 eggs per year, they are renowned for their delicious, tender meat.

Due to their less robust nature, Dorkings need extra care to ensure their healthy growth. Nonetheless, their wonderful temperament keeps them a popular choice among poultry enthusiasts.

Dorking boasts a long and fascinating history, with historic buildings, including medieval churches and Tudor-style homes, offering a glimpse into the past.

The town is surrounded by picturesque countryside, making it a great destination for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.

Dorking’s proximity to London and good transport connections, including train services, provide convenient access to the city.

Dorking Chicken Breed
Dorking Chicken Breed

7. Delaware

The Delaware chicken is a versatile breed, suitable for both eggs and meat. They lay around 100 to 150 eggs annually and mature quickly, usually ready for harvest in just 16 weeks. Delawares can be a bit assertive occasionally, but they are generally known for their friendly and sociable nature.

They are intelligent and curious birds that enjoy human companionship. Additionally, they are hardy and not prone to particular diseases, making them a popular choice as backyard pets for many people.

Delaware chickens are known for their consistent and high egg-laying capabilities, making them a valuable addition to backyard flocks.

They have a calm and friendly disposition, making them easy to handle and suitable for families.

Delaware chickens also provide quality meat with a flavorful taste.

6. Croad Langshan

The Croad Langshan chicken is a versatile breed. It’s called dual-purpose because it can lay approximately 150 eggs per year, but it’s mainly raised for its meat.

These chickens hail from China and are famous for their white, flavorful meat. They are relatively large, making them a great choice for meat production.

Despite their imposing appearance, with dark feathers and vibrant red combs, Croad Langshans are surprisingly gentle, relaxed, and friendly in temperament.

Croad Langshans are known for their tender and flavorful meat, making them a popular choice for meat production.

They can withstand cold weather well due to their thick feathering and hardy nature.

These chickens typically have a calm and friendly disposition, making them easy to handle.

5. Chantecler

The Chantecler is a versatile chicken breed from Quebec, Canada. They are tough and can handle cold winters. Chanteclers are known for their friendly and easygoing nature.

These hens are excellent egg layers and grow quickly for meat production, making them a popular choice. They love roaming freely and searching for food. They don’t demand excessive care, making them perfect for backyard farming.

Chantecler chickens are known for their excellent cold tolerance, making them well-suited for colder climates.

They have a calm and friendly disposition, making them a good choice for backyard poultry keepers.

Chantecler hens are known for their broody nature, which can be advantageous for natural incubation.

4. Buckeye

Buckeyes are tough chickens that thrive in cold weather and stay resilient against diseases. This makes them a top choice for backyard farmers. They serve a dual purpose, providing both eggs and meat. Buckeyes can lay around 200 eggs annually, and although they take a bit longer to mature, the wait is worthwhile.

Their meat has a unique nutty flavor that’s especially delicious when brined. So, if you’re looking for hardy, versatile chickens that can handle cold climates and deliver tasty eggs and meat, Buckeyes are a great choice.

Buckeye chickens are a heritage breed, known for their historical significance and genetic diversity.

They are well-suited for cold climates due to their dense feathering and hardy nature.

Buckeyes are known for their meat quality, producing flavorful and tender meat.

3. Bresse

The Bresse chicken is highly sought after for its delicious flavor, though it can be a bit pricey. This cost is justified by the exceptional quality of its meat.

These chickens are quite social and thrive in larger groups. While they aren’t particularly fond of human handling, they’re generally not aggressive; they simply prefer to roam freely with their fellow chickens.

Originating from France, the Bresse chicken remains a beloved breed. To be classified as a genuine Bresse, the chicken must have been raised in the Bresse region.

Bresse chickens are renowned for their rich, succulent meat with a unique flavor profile, making them highly desirable for gourmet dishes.

These chickens have a long history and cultural significance in the Bresse region of France, adding to their appeal.

Bresse chickens have PDO status, ensuring high-quality standards and authenticity.

2. Cornish Cross

The Cornish Cross chicken is widely recognized as a popular meat chicken breed. You’ll often find this type of chicken in grocery stores. They were specifically bred to grow quickly for harvesting purposes and are a top choice for commercial producers due to their rapid growth and weight gain compared to other breeds.

While Cornish Crosses can be raised in backyard settings, they pose challenges. They grow slowly, lack hardiness, and aren’t ideal for free-ranging. They require extra protection and consume large amounts of food in a short time, making them better suited for large commercial setups.

Cornish Cross chickens grow quickly and reach market weight in a relatively short time, making them ideal for commercial meat production.

They have a high meat-to-bone ratio, resulting in a significant amount of meat per bird.

Cornish Cross chickens efficiently convert feed into body weight, reducing production costs.

1. Big Red Broilers

McMurray Hatchery’s Big Red Broilers are a modernized version of the Red Rangers, specially bred for meat production. They offer a superb alternative to Cornish Cross chickens. These birds excel in pasture environments, showcasing strong foraging abilities that reduce their feed consumption.

While they do lay brown eggs, they aren’t inclined to go broody, making them less suitable for hatching eggs. It’s worth noting that their eggs are mostly infertile, so they aren’t recommended for breeding purposes. In summary, Big Red Broilers are a top choice for efficient meat production, particularly in free-range or pasture-based systems.

Big Red Broilers are known for their fast growth, reaching market weight quickly, making them a profitable choice for meat production.

They produce tender and flavorful meat with good texture, making them desirable for consumers.

They efficiently convert feed into meat, reducing overall feed costs.


For the hobbyist and beginner farmers, there’s a wide selection of meat chickens that are known for being easy to raise and resilient. This makes setting up the right environment for their growth much less intimidating.

We recommend specific chicken breeds that are perfect for meat production and offer a delightful variety in both flavor and texture. By raising a mix of these chickens, you’ll embark on a culinary journey, savoring the unique tastes and mouthwatering textures they each bring to your table.

Whether you’re just starting out or farming for fun, these adaptable chicken breeds promise an enjoyable and delicious poultry-raising experience.

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