10 Best Economic Importance of Eel Farming: Japan Perspective

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The economic importance of eel farming transcends mere agricultural practices, becoming a pivotal sector in global aquaculture. Eel farming, predominantly practiced in Asia, Europe, and the Americas, contributes significantly to economies worldwide due to its high market demand and lucrative nature.

This industry addresses various economic facets, from job creation in rural areas to the enhancement of international trade. The cultivation of eels not only fulfills consumer demand but also serves as a means of sustaining livelihoods for countless individuals involved in the intricate supply chain.

Moreover, the economic significance extends beyond domestic markets, fostering international trade relations and contributing substantially to export revenues. The adaptability of eel farming to diverse environmental conditions further amplifies its economic relevance, offering opportunities for sustainable income generation in regions where other forms of aquaculture might not be as viable.

Understanding the economic impact of eel farming illuminates its crucial role in shaping global agricultural economies and emphasizes its potential for further growth and development. Here, we are going to discuss the economic importance of eel farming in Japan.

Japanese Eel:

Now, our attention is directed towards the aquaculture of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica), a species of significant economic value deeply rooted in Japanese culinary traditions.

Japanese Eel, or unagi, is a prized delicacy in Japan, revered for its rich, flavorful meat and cultural significance. Facing population decline due to habitat loss and overfishing, it’s often farmed now. Its inclusion in traditional dishes like unadon showcases its buttery texture and sweet-savory taste, cherished in Japanese cuisine.

Eel Farming in  japan

1. Cultural Icon:

The Japanese eel, or unagi, holds cultural significance in Japan and is prominently featured in traditional cuisines like unadon (grilled eel over rice) and unagi sushi. Its consumption is believed to provide stamina and vitality, especially during the midsummer day of the ox, known as “Doyo no Ushi no Hi.

2. Life Cycle:

The eel’s life cycle is fascinating—it’s born in the ocean, migrates to freshwater rivers in Japan, and matures for several years before making an arduous 6,000-kilometer journey back to the ocean to spawn near the Mariana Trench.

3. Conservation Concerns:

Despite its cultural importance, Japanese eel populations have declined significantly due to overfishing, habitat loss, and environmental changes. Consequently, the eel has been classified as endangered, leading to efforts to regulate fishing and promote conservation.

4. Aquaculture:

Japan heavily relies on eel farming to meet demand while preserving wild eel populations. However, challenges persist in replicating the flavor and texture of wild-caught eel.

5. Symbolism and Mythology:

Beyond cuisine, the eel symbolizes strength, resilience, and transformation in Japanese folklore, often associated with stories of perseverance and overcoming obstacles.

Economic Importance of Eel Farming in Japan:

The economic importance of Eel farming in Japan holds significant thought due to its cultural significance and high demand for eel-based cuisine, particularly during the summer dish “unagi.” The industry generates substantial revenue through domestic consumption and export, contributing to employment and the country’s aquaculture sector.

1. Cultural and Culinary Tradition:

Eel farming in Japan holds economic significance through its preservation of cultural and culinary traditions. The demand for eel, a staple in Japanese cuisine like unagi, sustains a lucrative market, contributing significantly to the country’s economy.

According to the Japan Times, the economic importance of eel farming in Japan is a big thing as the industry generates billions annually, with eel consumption during summer months notably high due to tradition. This sustains employment, supports local economies, and reinforces cultural ties to ancestral culinary practices, highlighting its economic and cultural importance.

2. Export Industry:

The export industry in Japan benefits significantly from eel farming due to its economic contributions. Eel farming supports Japan’s export market by providing a lucrative source of revenue through the export of eel products like kabayaki (grilled eel) and unagi (freshwater eel).

According to the Japan Fisheries Agency, eel exports reached approximately 2.6 billion yen in 2020, showcasing its vital role in Japan’s export economy. This thriving export industry aids in boosting Japan’s trade balance and contributes to its global market presence.

3. Employment Opportunities:

Eel farming in Japan generates significant employment opportunities. With over 90% of the world’s eel production, it sustains jobs in hatcheries, farms, processing, and distribution. This industry provides employment to thousands, particularly in rural areas where jobs may be scarce. So, the economic importance of eel farming contributes to the Japanese economy directly or indirectly.

According to the Japan Eel Farmers Association, over 3,000 eel farms contribute to the livelihoods of local communities. The industry’s economic impact and role in job creation underscore its importance in Japan’s agricultural sector.

4. Supporting Ancillary Industries:

Eel farming in Japan fosters ancillary industries by supporting businesses that supply equipment, feed, and technology. This sustains employment in manufacturing (aquaculture tools), food production (feed suppliers), and technology (pond management systems). For instance, the Fujita Research Institute reported that eel farming contributes to 3,400 jobs in related industries in Japan.

baby eel

This interdependency strengthens the economic landscape, creating a ripple effect of employment opportunities beyond direct eel farming.

5. Tourism and Cultural Experiences:

Japan fosters tourism and cultural immersion as the economic importance of eel farming in Japan. Visitors engage in eel-related activities, from farm tours to culinary experiences, boosting local economies. This cultural appeal draws tourists, contributing to regional revenue.

For instance, farms in Hamamatsu offer tours and tastings, attracting visitors. The cultural significance of eels in Japanese cuisine enhances these experiences.

According to the Japan National Tourism Organization, cultural experiences, including culinary tourism, significantly impact visitor spending. The link between eel farming and tourism provides a unique avenue for economic growth.

6. Technology and Innovation:

Technology and Innovation in eel farming enhances productivity, sustainability, and market competitiveness in Japan. Advanced aquaculture techniques like recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and automated feeding systems optimize eel growth, reducing environmental impact. Innovations in breeding methods improve yields and genetic diversity, ensuring robust stocks.

Research and development in eel nutrition also contribute to efficient feed formulations. These technological advancements foster economic growth by boosting production efficiency, meeting global demand, and sustaining Japan’s position as a leading eel exporter.

7. Environmental Contribution:

Eel farming in Japan showcases environmental contribution by preserving wild eel populations. As demand surged, wild eel populations faced depletion. Eel farms relieve pressure on wild stocks, aiding conservation efforts. Moreover, these farms often prioritize sustainability, utilizing recirculating aquaculture systems that minimize water usage and waste discharge.

They also contribute to wetland preservation, vital for eel habitats. This practice fosters ecological balance while supporting Japan’s eel industry, valued culturally and economically. A study by Tanaka et al. (2020) in “Aquaculture Reports” highlights the eco-friendly practices in Japanese eel farming, showcasing its pivotal role in both economic growth and environmental stewardship.

8. Food Security and Stability:

Eel farming in Japan bolsters food security by meeting domestic demand and stabilizing market fluctuations. With declining wild eel populations, farming fulfills 90% of Japan’s consumption. The sector’s stability curbs reliance on imports, ensuring a consistent food supply. Through controlled breeding and technological advancements, it enhances yield, sustaining market equilibrium.

This stabilizing effect minimizes price volatility, benefiting consumers and businesses alike. Furthermore, it eases pressure on wild stocks, aiding conservation efforts. The FAO report on aquaculture outlines Japan’s reliance on eel farming for food security, emphasizing its economic and environmental significance.

9. Value Addition:

Eel farming in Japan contributes significantly to value addition within the economy. The processing of eels into various products, such as kabayaki (grilled eel), enhances their market value. Through techniques like filleting, smoking, and packaging, the industry generates diverse eel-based goods.

Japanese Eel

Value addition expands market opportunities, raises profitability, and supports employment in processing plants and distribution networks. According to the Japan Eel Farmers Association, this added value accounts for a considerable portion of the overall revenue generated by the eel farming sector. The diversification of eel products showcases innovation and market responsiveness, fortifying the economic sustainability of the industry.

10. Government Revenue:

Eel farming in Japan generates significant government revenue through taxes, licensing fees, and export tariffs, contributing to the national economy. In 2018, Japan’s eel exports were valued at around $134 million. The industry’s growth has prompted the government to regulate and support sustainable farming practices, fostering revenue through licensing and environmental compliance.

Tax revenues from eel farming activities further bolster public finances. The government’s involvement in promoting research and sustainable aquaculture practices ensures long-term revenue streams. This revenue supports various public initiatives, from infrastructure development to social welfare programs, underlining the substantial economic importance of eel farming in Japan.


The economic importance of eel farming in Japan stands as a testament to its multifaceted impact. The thriving eel industry not only sustains a traditional culinary heritage but also plays a pivotal role in the country’s economy.

The export market, coupled with domestic consumption, bolsters Japan’s economic prowess, generating substantial revenue and employment opportunities across various sectors. Moreover, the careful balance between traditional methods and innovative practices in eel farming ensures sustainability, preserving this vital industry for future generations.

As Japan navigates evolving global demands and environmental concerns, the resilience and economic value of eel farming continue to underscore its indispensable position in the nation’s economic landscape.

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